Savant mélange entre le football américain et le monde fantastique de Warhammer, cet incroyable jeu de stratégie en tour par tour s’est déjà écoulé à plus d’un million d’exemplaires sur
différentes plateformes. Tout en conservant les ingrédients qui ont fait le succès de son prédécesseur, Blood Bowl II passe à la vitesse supérieure : un nouveau moteur de jeu permettant de donner
vie à l’univers de Games Workshop ainsi que de nouvelles animations encore plus spectaculaires, des effets et ambiances sonores plus réalistes, accompagnés d’une caméra plus dynamique vous feront
vibrer au rythme des matches de Blood Bowl.
Blood Bowl 2 est prévu pour courant 2015, disponible en précommande ici.
The Star Players of Blood Bowl shine on the pitch in Gamescom Trailer!
For Gamescom, Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer, today releases a new
video, with the true stars of Blood Bowl stealing the spotlight!
The Star Players are the Superstars of Blood Bowl: skilled veteran players who became true living legends thanks to their prowess in matches. Their mere presence on the pitch makes the fans and
spectators go utterly wild, while casting fear into the heart of their opponents!
Star Players are incredibly talented, owning to decades of intense Blood Bowl matches. They boast exceptional stats, higher than that of regular players, along with extraordinary skills usually
not available to normal players. This deadly combination of stats and skills make them a force to be reckoned with on the pitch, whether they focus on tricks (agility, secret weapons, or special
skills such has hypnotic gaze or throwing a teammate with the ball), or sheer strength to beat the opponent team.
Matching their skillset, their hiring fee is also exceptionally high, and they will only ever join your team for a single match. However, if you can spare the Gold to afford hiring one (or even
two!) of them, they will be worth the hiring cost, as they might very well turn the tide of the match, all by themselves.
Blood Bowl 2 is currently available for pre-order, with, as a bonus, one of two additional races (the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen). Players who pre-order the game on Steam will also receive
access to the Multiplayer Beta of the game, which will start a few weeks before release.
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