Nouvelle version 48.0 de Firefox.
Process separation (e10s) is enabled for some of you. Like it? Let us know and we'll roll it out to more.
Roar for moar protection against harmful downloads! We've got your back
Add-ons that have not been verified and signed by Mozilla will not load
GNU/Linux fans: Get better Canvas performance with speedy Skia support. Try saying that three times fast
WebRTC embetterments:
- Delay-agnostic AEC enabled
- Full duplex for GNU/Linux enabled
- ICE Restart & Update is supported
- Cloning of MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack is now supported
Searching for something already in your bookmarks or open tabs? We added super smart icons to let you know
Windows folks: Tab (move buttons) and Shift+F10 (pop-up menus) now behave as they should in Firefox customization mode
The media parser has been redeveloped using the Rust programming language
Windows 7 systems without Platform Update can now use D3D11 WARP
Various security fixes
Improved step debugging on last line of functions
Heyo, Jabra & Logitech C920 webcam users. We fixed those pesky WebRTC bugs causing frequency distortions. Buh-bye, squeaky voice!
After version 48, SSE2 CPU extensions are going to be required on Windows
So long to support for 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8. Now we can focus on where most Mac users are: 10.9. Don't forget to upgrade!
Au revoir to Windows Remote Access Service modem Autodial
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